Dance is the hidden language of the soul. The body says what words cannot.

Nothing is impossible if you are willing to do the work.

Location: Singapore

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Life in MDC

Sorry people! I know im blogging only like once a month cos Im really busy... ya i know im having my one week off this week... and I admit that sometimes Im just plain lazy to switch on my computer and blog... :p

Anyway, things have been going pretty well for me... Im happy in MDC, but sometimes feel that Im catching up too slowly... pretty demoralising sometimes when u realised how inadequate you are... But Im trying my best and will never give up... One day, by God's grace, I will be able to achieve what I set to do...

It's a great place for learning... Ryan's Hip Hop Class, Zaini's Dance Class, Music Theory Class, Vocal Class, Drama Class, Compere Class... Plus all the things I had learned from the performances I did and during rehearsals...

So now u all know why im always so busy ya? Haha...

Anyway... Wanna talk a little about the MDC people... Most of them are great! And I had fun hanging out with them... Like going Heeren to support Jonathan's group, Streetboyz in their recent performance, going to David's house for Lamb Party and going KTV with Yutaki, Bryan... etc. I really enjoyed myself... had so much fun.. hehe...

Btw, Im going Bangkok in December! Yeah Yeah! Haha... Will do lots and lots of shopping! Haha...

Got to stop here cos Im going out... Hehe... will post some pics when Im free... Which is don't know when... hehe... :p